Beavers Cubs Scouts
Explorers Network
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Upcoming Events
This part of the website will act as point of reference for events and meetings happening within the district. If you would like to advertise an event or a meeting here please email details to the Events Team -
Snowball Work Days 2024

Please do offer support to Snowball, which is a great facility.  All welcome; as well as adult volunteers, why not consider using the work days as activities towards the Community Impact badge for our older sections?  2024 dates - all Sundays:

11th February, 10th March, 14th April, 12th May, 9th June, 14th July, 11th August, 8th September, 13th October, 10th November

Young Leader Adventure Weekend: 23-25 February

At the Lodge, Snowball Plantation, York - 7pm on Friday until 3pm on Sunday.  Includes time to relax, as well as having fun developing skills. Covering modules for the Young Leader Belt: Module A: Take Off, E: Game on, F: Accessible Scouting; G/H: High-Quality Programme Planning.

Just £40 for the whole weekend including food, indoor accommodation and activities. Book directly with Simon Errington.

Hergarth Trophy: 25 February

1.45pm to 4pm at the University of York - Teams representing each Cub Pack in York compete in a mystery challenge. The specific challenge is only announced on the day and must be completed in a time limit.

STEM Challenge: 2 March

9.30am to 3pm at the Exhibition Centre, University of York - Engineering Team Challenge 2024.  Team event for York Scouts and Guides, competing to build a powered robot using materials provided to battle against others. Each Unit can enter a team, and perhaps a second team if we have capacity. Leaders do not need to stay but if they do, they could join an adults team! We will however need help on the day.  Scouts and Guides wanting to enter will need to be in a team of 3 to 5 people (maximum 30 teams).

Register by 31 January 2024 to have one or two teams, with Specific names can be provided later.  Please prioritise young people who did not take part in our 2023 event.

Osbaldwick & Murton Scout Group Spring Fayre: 2 March

We would like invite everyone to our Spring Fayre at Osbaldwick & Murton Scout Hut, Osbaldwick Village, York, YO10 3NP

between 11am and 4pm on Saturday 2nd March 2024.  There will be Crafts/Stalls, Raffles, Tombola, Archery, Bushcrafts and many more activities.  There will also be refreshments.  Please support our Group, as we fundraise to support providing a fantastic place for the local children of Osbaldwick, Murton and surrounding area.  Stalls are available for a small donation of £10 to the Group

Please contact / 07941 841043 for more information or to reserve a stall

Volunteers Quiz Night: 2 March

7pm to 9.30pm at White Rose House, 79 Main Street, Wheldrake: Quizzing challenge with other adult volunteers plus pie and pea supper.

Chess Competition: 3 March

9am to 5pm at White Rose House, 79 Main Street, Wheldrake:  Chess Competition (timed sessions for each age group).  Open to any member aged 7-21 from the Scouting Districts of York Minster, York Ebor and Selby, and the Girlguiding County of North Yorkshire South.  Sign up via our Google Form by 16 February 2024 (late entries cannot be accepted).  Entry fee is £3 paid by bank transfer when submitting your entry.

Each individual must be entered separately by their consenting parent/guardian. There may not be any volunteers there from your Scout or Guide Unit.  Parents/guardians are responsible for getting their young people to the venue at the allotted time.  They can stay on-site during the event and chill out with good book, tea/coffee/biscuits, whilst the event is on, or give consent for other adult volunteers to look after their young person.  We will need some support to score games and assist with supervision in between rounds, so that we do not disturb those still playing.

To enter the championships every entrant MUST be familiar with the rules of chess.  Playing instruction will not be given but a ruling over disputed moves will.  The maximum amount of time to complete a game will be determined by the number of entrants in each age category. The outcome of each game will be assessed using a pre-defined scoring mechanism, with the maximum score being achieved by Checkmate. The start times and announcement of results for each age category will be determined by the number of entrants in each age category.  We expect to have 3 age categories, but might adjust this depending on the number of entrants.

Junior – Beavers (from age 7), Cubs, Brownies / Senior – Scouts, Guides / Youth – Explorers, Rangers, Network, Young Leaders

Founder Celebration Event: 21st April

Event for Scouting and Guiding in York to get together to celebrate our history and values.  Central Methodist Church has been booked for Rainbows, Squirrels and Beavers; with the Minster for Cubs, Brownies and upwards.  Further details to follow.

St George's Day meal: 23 April

TBC, possibly the White Swan at Deighton.  Further details to follow.

Chief Scouts Awards Evening: October 2024

TBC, likely to be Friday 18th October - at the Conference Centre, Askham Bryan College.  Further details to follow.